Create a post on Social Media and get 10 likes or shares Print

  • earn, Make money, lytehosting, Make money on social media, earn and post, post
  • 709

Create a post describing your experience with Lytehosting (you may reference quality of service, price and anything else that you may have enjoyed). Get 10 likes/shares and earn your account funds. When submitting, please enter the url of the post (if possible) in the textarea and submit a screenshot of the post and shares/likes

Reward Paid to Account Funds: $0.5 - $3 (or your currency worth)
Reward paid to Lytehosting Account Funds upon approved submission variable depending on quality.

Good content is the key. We have team that manually check your contents.

You can also signup for our affiliate program here >>


  • Audio Quality
  • Video Quality
  • Blog Post
  • Overall Quality

Use this url:


Social Media


Submit your content


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