Viewing articles tagged 'CPANEL'

Associating Files and/or Folders to an Installation in Softaculous Softaculous enables you to associate additional files or folders with your script installation.... Changing or Adding DNS Zones (MX, CNAME, and A Records) in cPanel DNS (Domain Name System) records are essential for directing traffic to your website and services... Configuring cPanel Icons Using Feature Manager You can enable or disable icons within a client's cPanel with the Feature Manager. After creating... Extracting and Compressing Files Using cPanel Our servers allow you to compress and extract files in formats such as .zip, .bz2, .gz, .tar,... Guide to Parking a Domain on an Addon Domain Parking a domain involves directing one domain to another to display the same content. This can... How can I use cPanel to view my Emails Reading your emails can be done in a variety of ways. Go to the Email Accounts area of your... How to Add & Remove an Email Account By default, cPanel provides a primary email account. However, creating a new email account is... How to Change the Folder Or Directory Of An Addon Domain In cPanel Occasionally, you may want the content to be in a different folder or directory than the default,... How to Change your cPanel Password The different techniques for changing cPanel passwords are covered in this article. Depending on... How to Create a phpinfo.php File for Addon Domains To view PHP configuration details for an addon domain, you can create a phpinfo.php file. Follow... How to Create a phpinfo.php File for Primary Domain To view detailed information about your server’s PHP configuration, you can create a simple... How to Create a URL Redirect in cPanel The Redirects tool in cPanel allows you to guide visitors from a source URL to a target URL. Keep... How to Create and Download a Website Backup Every account is capable of storing a complete backup of its hosting package. It’s recommended as... How to Create or Delete a MySQL Database or User Databases efficiently handle extensive information online and are essential for powering numerous... How to Create/Delete an Email Forwarder in cPanel Forwarders enable you to automatically redirect a copy of an incoming email from one email... How to Download and Restore MySQL Database Backup Regular backups are essential for effective website management. Creating backups of your files... How to Drop/Delete Tables from a Database in phpMyAdmin This article explains how to delete or drop tables permanently from a database using phpMyAdmin.... How to Duplicate a Database in phpMyAdmin To copy or duplicate a database in phpMyAdmin: STEP 1: Log in to cPanel. There are two methods... How to Fix a Corrupted Database If you encounter the error message "cpaneluser_database is marked as crashed and needs to be... How to Import a MySQL Database There are various ways to import a MySQL database. This article will explain the steps that can... How to Merge Two MySQL Databases Merging two MySQL databases involves combining their data while ensuring no conflicts or data... How to Restore Backup Using Softaculous This article will help you with the steps to restore a backup with Softaculous. STEP 1: Log in... How to Search a MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin This guide explains how to perform database searches in phpMyAdmin using cPanel. STEP 1: Log in... How to Use the File Manager Efficiently The File Manager provides a simple and convenient way to manage your files within your... Install Let's Encrypt SSL on cPanel: Secure Your Website Hassle-Free  Install Let's Encrypt SSL on cPanel: Secure Your Website Hassle-Free SEO Meta Description:... Managing Email Notifications in Softaculous: A Step-by-Step Guide to Unsubscribe Discover how to effortlessly turn off email notifications in Softaculous by following these... Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Email Account Password via cPanel Step 1: Log into cPanel Open your web browser and navigate to your cPanel login page (usually... Suspending/Unsuspending cPanel Accounts WHM allows you to suspend and unsuspend cPanel accounts. This functionality lets account owners... What is a Subdomain Name and How Can You Create One? There’s no need to register a new domain if your existing one meets your needs. Instead of buying... Why Am I Unable to Access My cPanel, WHM, and WebMail? Accessing your hosting account, email, and control panel is essential for a seamless hosting...
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