How to Fix a Corrupted Database Print

  • cPanel, Error, Corrupted Database
  • 151

If you encounter the error message "cpaneluser_database is marked as crashed and needs to be repaired," it can be easily resolved through cPanel.

How to Inspect Databases via Databases

This method can also help resolve other errors, such as "supplied argument is not a valid" or "table attribute does not exist," by using the built-in cPanel tool designed to troubleshoot and repair database issues.

STEP 1: Log in to cPanel.

There are two methods to log into your cPanel.

  • Method 1: Log in to your cPanel directly.
  • Method 2: Log in to your cPanel through your Customer Portal.

Through your Customer Portal;                               

  • Log in to your Customer Portal.
  • Click on "Log in to cPanel".


STEP 2: Locate the Databases section and click Manage My Databases.

cPanel - Databases Section - Manage My Databases

STEP 3: Under Modify Databases, choose the database you're experiencing issues with from the Check Database dropdown menu.

STEP 4: Then, click the Check Database tab to proceed.

 cPanel - Modify Databases - Check Database


How to Fix Databases Using MySQL Databases

The checking process will identify the cause of the issue. If the problem is marked as "crashed," follow the steps below to repair the database.

STEP 1: Log in to cPanel (Refer to the steps above if you need guidance on accessing your cPanel.)

STEP 2: In cPanel, navigate to the Manage My Databases section.

cPanel - Databases Section - Manage My Databases

STEP 3: Under Modify Databases, select the database you're having trouble with from the Repair Database dropdown menu.

STEP 4: Click the Repair Database button.

cPanel - Modify Databases - Repair Database

STEP 5: Once the repair is complete, refresh your website.

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